welcome to the greencastle parish website
Praying for Our Dead (2019)

Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine,
et lux perpetua luceat eis

Grant them eternal rest, Lord, and
let perpetual light shine on them

1st January to 31st December
Please pray for our deceased

Sean McCrory

Sean McCrory

Entered eternal life

Tuesday 11th December, 2019


Friday 20th December, 2019

Bridie Tuohey

Bridie Tuohey

Entered eternal life

Saturday 14th December, 2019


Tuesday 17th December, 2019

Eamon McAleer

Eamon McAleer

Entered eternal life

Monday 18th November, 2019


Thursday 21st November, 2019

Eileen Warnock

Eileen Warnock

Entered eternal life

Sunday 3rd November, 2019


Tuesday 5th November, 2019

Maureen McKnight

Maureen McKnight

Entered eternal life

Tuesday 27th August, 2019


Thursday 29th August, 2019

Vincent Donnelly

Vincent Donnelly

Entered eternal life

Sunday 25th August, 2019


Sunday 15th September, 2019

Sarah Jane “Jeannie” Morris

Sarah Jane “Jeannie” Morris

Entered eternal life

Tuesday 20th August, 2019


Thursday 22nd August, 2019

Bridie Clarke

Bridie Clarke

Entered eternal life

Sunday 19th May, 2019


Wednesday 22nd May, 2019

Pete Tracey

Pete Tracey

Entered eternal life

Sunday 6th May, 2019


Wednesday 8th May, 2019

Teresa Rose 'Tessie' McElhatton

Teresa Rose ‘Tessie’ McElhatton

Entered eternal life

Thursday 3rd January, 2019


Sunday 6th January, 2019

We believe that Jesus died and rose again, and that it will be the same
for those who have died in Jesus: God will bring them with him

1 Thessalonians 4:14
It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead

2 Maccabees 12:46