welcome to the greencastle parish website
Baptisms (2010)

As the parish faith community of Greencastle we welcome into the family of the Church

Connie Teresa McCullagh

St. Patrick’s Church, Greencastle
Friday 27th August, 2010

Shay Leon Donnelly

Our Lady of the Wayside, Broughderg
Sunday 22nd August, 2010

Michael Joseph McElduff

St. Patrick’s Church, Greencastle
Saturday 10th July, 2010

Shea Brian Donnelly

Our Lady of the Wayside, Broughderg
Sunday 27th June, 2010

Conor Michael Goodwin

St. Patrick’s Church, Greencastle
Saturday 19th June, 2010

Clodagh Martina Brogan

St. Patrick’s Church, Greencastle
Sunday 17th January, 2010

There is one Lord, on faith, one baptism, and one God who is Father of all (Ephesians 4:5-6)