As a parish faith community we congratulate our young parishioners who received the Sacrament of Confirmation from Bishop Séamus Hegarty, Bishop of Derry at 6.00pm on Tuesday 1st April, 2008.
They were prepared for the sacrament by Mrs. Diane McCann, Primary 7 teacher in Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School, Greencastle.
We thank their parents, families and sponsors for their involvement and encouragement of these young people as they take this major step along their faith journey.
Seoirse Conway • Claire Coyle • Chloe Donnelly
Lauren Donnelly • Peter Fox • Ciarán Gillen
Caolan McAleer • Dermot McAleer • Carla McCann
Mel McCullagh • Rosemary McCullagh
Michael McElhatton • Shane McGuigan
Alicia Meenan • Louise O’Neill • Gavin Slane
Aiden Tuohey • Aileen Tuohey
Pupils of St. Brigid’s Primary School, Mountfield who received the Sacrament of Confirmation from Bishop Hegarty (Derry) on Saturday 17th May, 2008 at Christ the King Church, Strathroy, Omagh (Parish of Cappagh):
Pupils of St. Mary’s Primary School, Dunamore who received the Sacrament of Confirmation from Auxiliary Bishop Gerard Clifford (Armagh) on Wednesday 30th April, 2008 at St. Joseph’s Church, Kileenan:
Caitriona Slane