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Dromantine Summer Camp (2009)
Francis Michael McKenna (aged 12)
On the 2nd August, 2009 I went to Dromantine Summer Camp for one week.
This camp is an annual event for boys and girls, the boys have three weeks to choose from and the girls have two weeks of camp they can attend. Fr. Kevin Mulhern is the priest attached to the Dromantine Camp and he can be contacted at the Society of African Missions – Dromantine, Newry, Co. Down BT34 1RH. Telephone (028) 3082 1224, you must ask for Bernie or Patricia. They will organise your application for Summer 2010.
Dromantine is a wonderful experience.
The main aim of the camp is for the youths to carry out sports activities together. This really brings a great sense of friendship. There is also a great experience of faith attached to your week by taking part in daily Mass. I hope to go back next year as I really enjoyed the craic at Domantine this year. 
Dromateens Summer Camp (2009)