welcome to the greencastle parish website
Baptisms (2018)

As the parish faith community of Greencastle we welcome into the family of the Church

Bláithín Mary Dennehy

Sunday 30th December, 2018

Jack Joseph McCullagh

Sunday 16th December, 2018

Conan John McCullagh

Saturday 11th November, 2018

Seamus Pearse McCrory

Saturday 3rd November, 2018

Zaralee Josie-May McCullagh

Sunday 28th October, 2018

Tomás James Tuohey

Sunday 30th September, 2018

Millie Rose McAleer

Saturday 30th June, 2018

Orlaith Cait Teague

Saturday 12th May, 2018

Shea Eugene McNulty

Sunday 6th May, 2018

Caolan George Small

Saturday 5th May, 2018

Ciabhain Og Morris

Saturday 24th February, 2018

Holly Alice McGarvey

Saturday 17th February, 2018

Aoife Mary McNamee

Saturday 10th February, 2018

Leah Cait McCullagh

Sunday 4th February, 2018

Katie Anne Small

Saturday 3rd February, 2018

There is one Lord, on faith, one baptism, and one God who is Father of all (Ephesians 4:5-6)